Linksys Icon

Linksys: Reviving an iconic brand for an increasingly connected world.

In 2001, at the dawn of the internet, Linksys released one of the world’s first routers. Though their trailblazing spirit never ceased, over time the brand lost its lustre and new brands and competition crowded the marketplace. At this critical juncture, Linksys came to BMD for a rebrand to reflect their strategy and position as leaders in this new era of WiFi. 

Previous Linksys logos
Linksys wordmark

The new typography, which focuses on a single weight, gives a sense of confidence and clarity, while round, friendly gestures in the letters bring humanness.


Central to the identity BMD created is Linksys’ new, motion-friendly mark. The first in almost a decade, the mark features a ligature between the L and I that when activated, nods to the universal WiFi symbol. BMD also introduced a short-hand that acts as a flexible icon and badge of pride.


Linksys product
Linksys product
Linksys product packaging

Color-wise, BMD returned to and refreshed the brand’s iconic blue. Now more vibrant and sophisticated, this signature color is rounded out with a deep black and electric pastels to create a dynamic and distinct palette.

Linksys app icon on phone
Linksys billboards
Linksys Brochure

As part of the holistic rebrand, BMD developed a brand voice and messaging that is more relatable and benefit-focused, while being declarative and confident. This approach extends to the naming for two of their flagship products — Atlas and Hydra. The pair of names call up the benefits of power, reliability and range.

Candid images of people contrast with powerful natural phenomena that point to Linksys’ global perspective and reach.

Inspired by the new mark, BMD developed an initial suite of bold, unistroke icons that can be used to communicate product features or capabilities.

Icon for Linksys Aware
Icon from Linksys toolkit
Icon from Linksys toolkit
Person holding phone showing Linksys App
“I’m so proud of the brand refresh we completed together. This new identity aligns seamlessly with our brand vision.”
Christy Hayes, Senior Director Global Marketing
Black Hoodie with Linksys Branding
Beanie with Linksys Logo
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    Brand Identity, Digital, Packaging

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